Pastor Mary Watare Mbugua always had a dream to start a humanitarian centre for the truly needy, poor, less fortunate and discriminated in life. Unfortunately life had to deal her a painful blow before her dream could be realized – after tragically losing her son in a traffic accident. In her words, she decided that anything she would've given to her son (love, food, shelter, clothing, eduction) would now go to children who are truly in need. She found a house that was no longer in use, rented and renovated it, and began taking in orphans.
As the number of children kept growing, Pastor Mary soon realized that housing and feeding the children was not enough and that more could be done. She started a free nursery school which now educates 75 children daily. The school is run by three full-time teachers and a cook, and is regularly helped by volunteers coming from around the world. The staff are paid an allowance from Mary's own pension as well as through a baking project that supplies cakes to local shops.
In addition to the orphanage and school, BOC also provides food on a weekly basis for the elderly in the community as well as for those living with HIV/AIDS. BOC also supports nine mentally handicapped children.
BOC founder Pastor Mary (top right), seen here with the children who live at the orphanage.
BOC and it's partner organizations believe the best way to support and grow the centre is through establishing programs that are income-generating and that help directly provide for it's everyday needs such as food, water, and supplies.
The Baking Project is an income-generating program – the profits are used for primary school tuition and uniforms for the older orphans, for BOC school supplies, and for the allowance paid to the staff. Learn More
The Farming Project is an income-generating future program that will allow BOC to provide its own vegetables, eggs, and milk. And income will be created by selling food to the local community. It's a "win-win" scenario. This project is contingent on BOC being able to purchase an adjacent piece of land that would be used for greenhouse farming and the keeping of livestock. Donations are being accepted for the land purchase as well as for the purchase of cows, goats, and chickens.